Facies Modeling

in some cases, a deterministic Impedance based Inversion process may not be suitable. Reasons for this could Include:

  • Poor quality well and/or seismic data, e.g. high random noise content; weak reflectors.
  • Lack of resolution, e.g. deep targets with insufficient vertical or lateral resolution and aperture.
  •  No separation of rock and fluid properties In the elastic domains. (Modeling can help predict this prior to beginning an expensive AVO or Impedance Inversion.)

In such cases, we offer a multi-attribute neural network workflow, designed to provide seismic faces descriptions calibrated to well-data. Workflow elements Include:


Attribute Computation

A variety of seismic attribute volumes can be computed using Attrib3D. Relative acoustic Impedance and seismic waveform attributes may be added depending on the geological setting and project objective.


Statistical Multi-Attribute Neural Network analysis

The Individual attribute volumes are combined into a single output using RSI’s unsupervised neural network classifier. A 2D rectangular Kohonen topology is employed. Calibration of classes is performed at well-locations where known faces are sampled. The output classes are combined and re-numbered to yield a calibrated seismic fa. volume. The resulting 3D seismic facies volume is examined within a powerful 3D visualization system to yield geological interpretations of the subsurface structure and properties.

Attribute Use